What use is the United Nations?

United Nations General Secretary Antonio Gutteres has infuriated Israeli politicians to the extent that that they demand his removal from office if he won’t condone their war crimes. Many others are being fired for doing their job, he’s just the highest ranking.

For the last 30+ years the United Nations has voted overwhelmingly to end the US blockade of Cuba. Two member states have consistently blocked the motion, it should be no surprise to anyone that they were USA and Israel. Our sycophantic government abstains 😠

The United Nations is hamstrung by the fact that any permanent member of the security council can veto a proposal. they are:

  • United States
  • China
  • Russia
  • France
  • United Kingdom

The chances of all five agreeing on anything is a pipe dream. 🙄

We have international conventions on human rights, but they’re universally ignored – our U.K Government have decided they’re not bound by them – but as Nelson Mandela rightly said, take away someone’s human rights and you deprive them of their humanity. That’s what Israel is doing to Palestinians, and what Tories want to do with anyone they consider unproductive – the sick, the disabled, the elderly 😠

The United Nations has condemned the U.K. government for breaching the human rights of disabled people and the response is “So what? Same with the case of Julian Assange, “journalists” who have belatedly started supporting Julian do so out of self-interest rather than concern for his human rights. Real journalists, like Chris Hedges and Peter Oborne, have always supported Julian ✊

The USA abstained on a weakened version of the latest UNSC resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, which drew the ire of the Israeli government but achieved precisely nothing! It was only for the last two weeks of Ramadan and the Israelis have continued their slaughter anyway!

The outrage over the murder of three Brits, an Australian, a US/Canadian citizen, a Polish national and one Palestinian is justified but still nothing is done! Biden gives Netanyahu a ticking off, not even a slap on the wrist, and continues providing arms for the genocide to continue. And if Iran decides to retaliate for the Israeli attack on its consulate in Syria we’ll be bombarded with that well rehearsed mantra “Israel has the right to defend itself”.

Israel have condescended to allow a few truckloads of supplies into Gaza, a fraction of what’s needed, but it’s all window dressing. Just like the US and UK governments, they can see that world opinion is turning against them and want to appear to be doing something when it’s doing bugger all 😠

The UK is still authorising arms sales to Israel which contravene the government’s own regulations on the matter. David Cameron has received legal advice on the matter but has conveniently forgotten what it was and refuses to make it public.

The latest news is that Joe Biden is ‘considering’ dropping the charges against Julian Assange in response to a request from the Australian government. More window dressing? He could have dropped them when he first came into office and he’s still only ‘considering’ doing so?

I hope it’s true, time is running out for Julian as it is for Gazans. Even if true I wonder “what next?” Will he be truly free to resume a normal life with his family, or will he be a constant target for assassination by the CIA who are no doubt complaining that he’s taking a plaguey long time to die?

Julian had been incarcerated in Belmarsh for two years when Steven Donziger was released from imprisonment on a trumped up charge I compared their cases in this blog.

Donziger and Assange – Weapons of Mass Distraction https://thephilosophicalmuse.blog/2021/09/29/donziger-and-assange/

Although technically free Steven is still unable to practice law or travel outside the USA. He’s still seeking justice for himself and his clients, indigenous peoples of Ecuador. Having exhausted all other legal channels, his only hope is for a presidential pardon – even though he was only convicted of a minor misdemeanour!

I’m afraid that “freedom” for Julian will mean constantly looking over his shoulder. Mexico has offered him sanctuary if he chooses to accept it, but I’m sure he’ld prefer to be home in Australia now he as support in parliament.

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